Community Plan
This community plan represents a summary of outcomes from a series of community planning workshops and meetings that occurred from October 2012 through to March 2013. This document has been compiled by Boffa Miskell Ltd on behalf of Manawatu District Council and the community of Halcombe. The observations, ideas and opportunities identified in this plan are intended to provide an over arching and holistic summary of the community’s vision and a list of specific actions that help deliver this.
The shared vision in this document has been developed by key members of the Halcombe community and builds on the work currently underway by the Halcombe Community Development Group (HCDG). This community plan also outlines the process used to establish the vision and illustrates some of the observations, constraints and opportunities for Halcombe.
This community plan identifies areas of focus that will help deliver the shared community vision. Specific actions have also been identified under each of these areas of focus.
This is a 'living document' and it is hoped it will evolve over time. If you would like to provide feed back, ideas or help implement any part of the plan please contact us.
The shared vision in this document has been developed by key members of the Halcombe community and builds on the work currently underway by the Halcombe Community Development Group (HCDG). This community plan also outlines the process used to establish the vision and illustrates some of the observations, constraints and opportunities for Halcombe.
This community plan identifies areas of focus that will help deliver the shared community vision. Specific actions have also been identified under each of these areas of focus.
This is a 'living document' and it is hoped it will evolve over time. If you would like to provide feed back, ideas or help implement any part of the plan please contact us.

halcombe_community_plan_may_2013.pdf |